Academic References
Rachael Burgin, 'Persistent Narratives of Force and Resistance: Affirmative Consent as Law Reform' (2019) 59(2) British Journal of Criminology 296
Rachael Burgin and Jonathan Crowe, ‘The New South Wales Law Reform Commission Draft Proposals on Consent in Sexual Offences: A Missed Opportunity?’ (2020) 32 Current Issues in Criminal Justice 346
Rachael Burgin and Asher Flynn, ‘Women‘s Behaviour as Implied Consent: Male Reasonableness in Australian Rape Law” (2019) Criminology & Criminal Justice 1
Kristine Chapleau et al, ‘Male Rape Myths: The Role of Gender, Violence & Sexism’ (2008) 23(5) Journal of Interpersonal Violence 600
Annie Cossins, ‘Why Her Behaviour is Still on Trial: The Absence of Consent in the Modernisation of the Substantive Law on Consent’ (2019) 42(2) University of New South Wales Law Journal 462
Jonathan Crowe, ‘Fraud and Consent in Australian Rape Law’ (2014) 38 Criminal Law Journal 236
Jonathan Crowe and Bri Lee, ‘The Mistake of Fact Excuse in Queensland Rape Law: Some Problems and Proposals for Reform’ (2020) 39 University of Queensland Law Journal 1
Jonathan Crowe and Lara Sveinsson, ‘Intimidation, Consent and the Role of Holistic Judgments in Australian Rape Law’ (2017) 42(136) University of Western Australia Law Review 136
Nina Funnell, Bri Lee and Saxon Mullins (with Jonathan Crowe and Nick James), ‘Survivors Speak: How the Criminal Justice System Responds to Sexual Violence’ (2019) 31 Bond Law Review 21
Anastasia Powell et al, ‘Meanings of “Sex” and “Consent”: The Persistence of Myths in Victorian Rape Law’ (2013) 22(2) Griffith Law Review 456
Katherine Ryan, ‘The Relationship between Rape Myths and Sexual Scripts: The Social Construction of Rape’ (2011) 65(11) Sex Roles 774
Lucinda Vandervort, ‘Sexual Consent as Voluntary Agreement: Tales of Seduction or Questions of Law’ (2013) 16 Criminal Law Review 143