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Rape & Sexual Assault Research & Advocacy and Women’s Legal Service Queensland have responded to the QLRC’s draft bill to reform consent and mistake of fact.
BREAKING: Queensland Law Reform Commission fails to make substantive recommendations to improve rape law.
The Queensland Law Reform Commission has released a report following a 10 month review into consent and mistake of fact in sexual offences. The report makes a mere 5 recommendations - all of which fail to address the concerns raised by survivors during consultations. Read RASARA’s response here.
Katrina Marson writes about sex education in the home during COVID19 lockdown
Lead of Prevention Projects at Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy, Katrina Marson discusses the importance of speaking with young people about sex and relationships during the lockdown. Read her comments here.
Review of justice responses to sexual violence announced in Victoria
The Victorian Law Reform Commission has announced a review into the justice system’s response to sexual violence. The review was announced a week prior to the High Court decision in the Pell case, and follows the launch of Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy at a public seminar jointly hosted by Swinburne and Monash Law Schools. Read RASARA’s statement on the announcement here.
Saxon Mullins and Dr Rachael Burgin on ABC Melbourne
Virginia Trioli
Listen to Saxon Mullins and Rachael Burgin discuss the need for rape law reform on ABC Melbourne here.
Segment starts at approx. 2h12m.
Pell to walk free after Australia court quashes convictions
By Kate Walton, Al Jazeera
Dr Rachael Burgin spoke to Al Jazeera about the impact of the recent High Court decision in the Pell case on survivors of sexual abuse. Read the article here.
‘Northern Territory sexual assault court outcomes spark calls for law reform’
By Lauren Roberts, ABC Darwin
RASARA’s founding director Dr Rachael Burgin on the concerning findings concerning criminal justice responses to sexual violence in the Northern Territory, published by the ABC. Read the article here.
‘Unpursued in the Top End’
By Inga Ting and Lauren Roberts, ABC News
Professor Jonathan Crowe spoke to the ABC for their exclusive report on sexual assault in the Northern Territory. Read the article here.
‘Push to introduce mandatory, unified sexual consent lessons in Australian schools’
By Lauren Roberts, ABC News
Professor Jonathan Crowe highlights the importance of consent and relationship education in Australian schools. Read the article here.
Professor Jon Crowe talks to Ann Wason-Moore from the Gold Coast Bulletin about the mistake of fact excuse in Qld Rape law. 11 January 2020