Advocating for Rape and Consent Law Reform
Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy are committed to reforming rape and consent law across Australia. Read our submissions to the New South Wales and Queensland Law Reform Commissions and find links to academic and scholarly works published by our members.
New South Wales Review, ‘Consent in relation to sexual offences’.
On May 3 2018, Attorney-General of NSW Mark Speakman referred consent law to the New South Wales Law Reform Commission for review, in large part due to the advocacy of Director of Advocacy at Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy, Saxon Mullins.
Read our submissions here:
Response to the draft proposals by Rachael Burgin and Jonathan Crowe.
Submission in response to the Consultation Paper by Rachael Burgin
Response to the Terms of Reference by Rachael Burgin
Queensland Review, ‘Consent and mistake of fact’.
Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy’s Director of Research, Professor Jonathan Crowe has advocated alongside author Bri Lee for review of the excuse of mistake of fact in relation to Queensland rape law. They were successful in their advocacy when consent and mistake of fact were referred to the Queensland Law Reform Submission on July 9 2019.
Find out about Professor Crowe and Ms Lee’s work at consentlawqld.com
Submission to the Commission by Rachael Burgin and Saxon Mullins