About Relationships and Sex Education

The only proven measure for the prevention of sexual violence is comprehensive relationships and sex education.

Studies around the world provide strong evidence of the success of relationships and sex education in reducing the incidence of sexual violence. The World Health Organisation (WHO) strongly promotes comprehensive relationships and sex education as a means to improve sexual health outcomes and reduce sexual violence for all.

RASARA advocates for the right of all young people to have access to comprehensive relationships and sex education that will equip them with the information they need to make autonomous decisions. 

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“…too many young people still make the transition from childhood to adulthood receiving inaccurate, incomplete or judgement-laden information affecting their physical, social and emotional development. This inadequate preparation not only exacerbates the vulnerability of children and youth to exploitation and other harmful outcomes, but it also represents the failure of society’s duty bearers to fulfil their obligations to an entire generation”

— World Health Organisation
