The Relationships and Sex Education Project

In 2019, RASARA’s Katrina Marson undertook a Churchill Fellowship to travel across Europe and North America, learning from internationally renowned organisations, initiatives and practitioners about best practice relationships and sex education and implementation strategy. 

Her research findings are detailed in the report Ignorance is not Innocence: safeguarding sexual wellbeing through relationships and sex education.

Here we explore some of her key findings.

Comprehensive relationships and sexuality education is a proven protective factor in safeguarding sexual wellbeing, and a key part of any sexual violence prevention strategy.

RASARA advocates for the right of all young people to have access to comprehensive relationships and sex education that will equip them with the information they need to make autonomous decisions. 


About Relationships and Sex Education.


Principles of Design and Delivery.

Looking to the Future.


Relationship and sex education must focus on improving knowledge, developing attitudes and building behavioural skills.


Katrina Marson is an accomplished criminal lawyer and Churchill Fellow. She is the Lead Researcher of Primary Prevention Projects at Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy.